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How to quickly identify fake pesticides

In 2020, the incidents of fake and inferior pesticides are frequently exposed. Fake pesticides not only disrupt the pesticide market, but also bring huge losses to many farmers.

First, What is fake pesticide?
Article 44 of China’s “Regulations on the administration of pesticides” states: “any of the following circumstances shall be deemed as a fake pesticide: (1) a non pesticide is passed off as a pesticide; (2) this pesticide is passed off as another pesticide; (3) the types of active ingredients contained in the pesticide are not consistent with the effective ingredients marked in the label and instruction manual of the pesticide. Banned pesticides, pesticides produced or imported without pesticide registration legally, and pesticides without labels shall be treated as fake pesticides.

Second, Simple ways to distinguish fake and inferior pesticides.
The methods of distinguishing fake and inferior pesticides are summarized as following for reference.

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1. Identify from pesticide label and packaging appearance

● Pesticide name: the product name on the label must indicate the common name of the pesticide, including the common name in Chinese and English, as well as the percentage content and dosage form. The imported pesticide must have the trade name.
● Check the “three certificates”: the “three certificates” refer to the product standard certificate number, production license (APPROVAL) certificate number and pesticide registration certificate number of the product. If there are no three certificates or the three certificates are incomplete, the pesticide is unqualified.
● Query the pesticide label, one label QR code corresponds to the only sales and packaging unit. At the same time, the information of pesticide registration certificate, pesticide production enterprise website, pesticide production license, query times, real industrial and commercial registration of production enterprise can help to judge whether the pesticide is true or not.
● Effective ingredients, content and weight of pesticide: if the ingredients, content and weight of pesticide are inconsistent with the identification, it can be identified as fake or inferior pesticide.
● Pesticide label color: the green label is herbicide, red is insecticide, black is fungicide, blue is rodenticide, and yellow is plant growth regulator. If label color does not match, it is a fake pesticide.
● Using Manual: due to different concentrations of the same kind of drugs produced by different manufacturers, their use methods are not the same, otherwise they are fake pesticides.
● Toxicity signs and precautions: if there is no toxicity sign, main symptoms and first aid measures, safety aphorism, safety interval and special requirements for storage, the pesticide can be identified as a fake pesticide.

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2. Identify from pesticide appearance

● Powder and wettable powder shall be loose powder with uniform color and no agglomeration. If there is caking or more particles, it means that it has been affected with moisture. If color uneven, it means that the pesticide is unqualified.
● The emulsion oil shall be a uniform liquid without precipitation or suspension. If stratification and turbidity appear, or the emulsion diluted with water is not uniform, or there are emulsifiable concentrate and precipitates, the product is unqualified pesticide.
● The suspension emulsion should be mobile suspension and no caking. There may be a small amount of stratification after long-term storage, but it should be restored after shaking. If the situation is inconsistent with the above, it is unqualified pesticide.
● If the fumigation tablet is in powder form and changes the shape of the original drug, it indicates that the drug has been affected by moisture and is unqualified.
● The aqueous solution shall be a homogeneous liquid without precipitation or suspended solids. Generally, there is no turbid precipitation after dilution with water.
● The granules should be uniform in size and should not contain many powders.

The above are several simple ways to identify fake and inferior pesticides. In addition, when purchasing agricultural products, it’s better to go to a unit or market with a fixed place of business, good reputation, and a “business license”. Secondly, when purchasing agricultural products such as pesticides and seeds, you must ask for formal invoices or certificates in case of quality problems in the future, It can be used as the basis of complaint.

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Third, General characteristics of fake pesticides

Fake pesticides generally have the following characteristics:
① The registered trademark is not standardized;
② There are many advertising slogans, which contain the information of “ensuring high yield, non-toxic, harmless, no residue”.
③ It contains the contents of insurance company’s propaganda and advertisement.
④ It contains words that belittle other products, or descriptions comparing efficacy and safety with other pesticides.
⑤ There are words and pictures that violate the regulations on the safe use of pesticides.
⑥ The label contains the content to prove in the name or image of pesticide research units, plant protection units, academic institutions or experts, users, such as “recommendation of certain experts”.
⑦ There are “invalid refund, Insurance Company underwriting” and other commitment words.

Forth, Examples of common fake pesticides in China

①  Metalaxyl-M·Hymexazol 50% AS is a fake pesticide. By the time of 26th Jan 2021, there are 8 kinds of Metalaxyl-M·Hymexazol products that have been approved and registered in China including 3%, 30% and 32%. But Metalaxyl-M·Hymexazol 50% AS has never been approved.
②  At present, all “Dibromophos” sold on the market in China are fake pesticides. It should be noted that Diazinon and Dibromon are two different pesticides and should not be confused. At present, there are 62 Diazinon products approved and registered in China.
③  Liuyangmycin is an antibiotic with macrolide structure produced by Streptomyces griseus Liuyang var. griseus. It is a broad-spectrum acaricide with low toxicity and residue, which can effectively control a variety of mites in a variety of crops. At present, Liuyangmycin products on the market in China are all fake pesticides.
④  As of the end of January 2021, there are 126 products of Pyrimethanil preparation approved and registered in China, but the registration of Pyrimethanil FU has not been approved, so the products of Pyrimethanil smoke (including the compound containing Pyrimethanil) sold on the market are all fake pesticides.

Fifth, Precautions for purchasing pesticides

The application scope of the products is not consistent with the local crops; the price is significantly lower than that of similar products; suspected of fake and inferior pesticides.

Sixth, Treatment of fake and inferior pesticides

What should we do if we find fake pesticides? When farmers find that they have bought fake and shoddy agricultural products, they should first find dealers. If the dealer can’t solve the problem, the farmer can call “12316″ to complain, or directly go to the local agricultural administrative department to complain.

Seventh, Evidence must be preserved in the process of safeguarding rights

① Purchase invoice. ② Packaging bags for agricultural materials. ③ The appraisal conclusion and the inquest record. ④ Apply for evidence preservation and notarization of evidence preservation.


Post time: Dec-16-2021