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Training on balsam pear planting and green pest control

The first thing in spring is farming. In order to effectively control the occurrence of melon and vegetable diseases and pests, ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products and promote the sustainable development of agriculture, a training course on balsam pear planting and green pest control technology was held in the vegetable demonstration base on March 1.

This training adopts the combination of classroom centralized teaching and field guidance. In class, he Tongchang, an agricultural technician, explained in detail the high-yield cultivation technology of balsam pear from the aspects of variety selection, soil disinfection, land preparation, ridging, scaffolding, fertilizer and water management, green pest control technology and so on, focusing on the technical measures of reducing chemical fertilizer and pesticide, as well as the skills of deep sunning the soil and increasing the application of organic fertilizer. According to the current situation of agricultural production, Chen Sheng, a researcher of Haikou Agricultural Technology Center, taught the safe use of pesticide technology of balsam pear, requiring farmers to apply the medicine to the case, mix pesticides reasonably, pay attention to the safety interval of pesticides, and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.

After class, agricultural experts led farmers to the vegetable garden to check the growth of pepper and balsam pear and the occurrence of diseases and pests. According to the survey, the growth of pepper is uneven, mainly including bacterial leaf spot, anthrax, blight, thrips and other diseases and pests; The new leaves of balsam pear are generally yellow, mainly anthrax. In view of the existing problems, he Tongchang put forward guiding opinions and suggestions by categories, and taught farmers to identify the symptoms of diseases and pests.
“What is the reason for the yellowing and whitening of cabbage leaves” and “is the planting density of vegetables like this OK”… At the scene, many growers put forward the doubts and difficulties encountered in the planting process. Chen Sheng actively answered various questions of farmers, suggesting that farmers pay attention to the application of biological agents to reduce the occurrence of soil borne diseases such as Fusarium wilt. At the same time, farmers should be reminded to watch the weather forecast and deal with the impact of weather changes on agricultural planting in advance.
According to statistics, a total of 40 people were trained and 160 copies of materials such as leading varieties and main promotion technology, technical measures for cold and disease prevention of melons and vegetables in winter, production technology and pest control of melons, vegetables and fruits were distributed.

Post time: Mar-11-2022